Chemical Peels

Chemical Skin Peels Treatment in Chesterfield

Chemical Peels are an excellent way to improve the texture and quality of our skin and should form the foundation of any aesthetic treatments.

Chemical peels also help address a number of skin concerns such as pigmentation, uneven skin, dullness, wrinkles, fine lines, blocked or open pores, oily skin, acne and acne scars and sun damage. They do so by deeply exfoliating the skin and promoting the production of collagen and elastin.

There are different types of peels available and choice of treatment depends on the nature of the skin and the expected outcome and can range from superficial peels to medium depth and deep peels.

Depending on your skin assessment, Skin Essential Clinic will provide you with a treatment plan, to suit your skin type and what you are looking to achieve.

Chemical peels can be combined with other treatments such as micro needling and dermplaning to improve penetration of the active product, which in turn helps to improve the results.

Chemical Peel After Care Advice (up to 7 days post-procedure)

  • Do not wash your face on the day of treatment
  • Apply SPF daily (minimum 30 SPF)
  • Avoid direct heat and sunlight
  • Do not pick or exfoliate skin
  • Do not use sunbeds, hot-tubs, sauna and steam room
  • Avoid any other peels, exfoliating products or treatments in the next 14 days
  • Moisturise as often as possible with a gentle, fragrance-free, hydrating moisturiser
Procedure time: 30 minutes
Back to work: Immediately
The onset of results: 3-7 days (continue to improve)
Result: Smoother, brighter, tighter, more evenly toned skin. The course of 2-4 treatments recommended 4-6 weeks apart for more serious indications
Risks and Complications: excessive dryness of skin, redness, hypersensitivity

Need Help?

Do you want to learn more about our Chemical Peels? Are you not sure if Chemical Peels are for you? Contact us today for a 30-minute free consultation.